First Lady Michelle Obama: uh oh!
Americans are still angry with U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama, over a lavish trip she took to Spain's Costa Del Sol, which cost the nation's taxpayers a million dollars, for her 60 strong entourage. She returned home to scathing press articles and angry blog comments, denouncing the price tag of the expensive vacation.
Racist radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, who flies everywhere by private jet, inappropriately stated she is only able to do such things, due to white guilt from slavery. He really is out of line and completely wrong, as this is not a color thing, but an expenditure issue. Furthermore, Mrs. Obama was a six-figure earning attorney, before moving to the White House with the President, who is also a lawyer. They weren't on welfare, Mr. Limbaugh.
Nancy Reagan: Wow, is that Ron, he looks darker since the last time I saw him and what's with the 'fro?!
Mrs. Obama is not the first, First Lady to overspend, as Nancy Reagan also incurred public criticism for constantly purchasing expensive designer dresses.
Former First Lady, Nancy Reagan and British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, in all their 80's glory (man, those shoulder pads take me back)
However, this is not the extremely wealthy America of the 1980s. This is debt ridden America of 2010, with a $13 trillion deficit. Therefore, such an expenditure hit home this time, as America is facing the worst financial crisis in the nation's history, brought on by former President, George W. Bush and his corporate cronies.
The Judiciary Report has been stating for months the Obamas need to knock it off with the vacations, as it does not look good at this time. Mrs. Obama's trip was ill-conceived, ill-advised and ill-timed (nothing against Spain, as it is a lovely country).
President Barack Obama
The fact still remains, the Obamas need to refrain from such spending and keep in mind, the sensitive financial climate in the nation, which is upsetting many Americans, who rightfully view this crisis as something not of their own making. Once again, Bush is to blame. However, Obama's spending is making it worse. This is not a time for vacations, but hard work and thrift.
Side Bar: Maybe someone needs to install a moderately priced spa in the White House to help them de-stress. It would save the taxpayers a lot of money in vacation time.
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