Monday, July 26, 2010

Wikileaks Exposes U.S. Gov Corruption In Afghanistan

U.S. President Barack Obama and General David Patraeus

The website has leaked 96,000 classified documents labeled "secret" regarding the U.S. government's war in Afghanistan. The leak revealed many civilians have been killed in Afghanistan and the U.S. government covered it up, ordering press blackouts to ensure the public did not find out.

There are incidents where the U.S. government engaged in retaliatory fire that killed unarmed, unengaged civilians on buses and public streets. There is an incident where they opened fire on a deaf mute running away from them, killing him in cold blood. This massacre must stop. Not only is it morally wrong and abhorrent, it is fueling terrorism to heinous degrees.

Wikileaks has provided a service to the American people. They have illustrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that George W. Bush's war in Afghanistan, being continued by President Obama, is based in corruption, deceit, treachery and fraud. It is wasting billions in taxpayer money and worst of all, human lives.

Former President George W. Bush

It was recently revealed, Afghanistan is home to one of the world's largest deposits of natural minerals, worth $1 trillion dollars and the U.S. government has installed a team in the region to explore and excavate it.

This is the true source of the war in Afghanistan - controlling wealth. Much like the war in Iraq is about controlling Iraqi oil, as prior to the combat that began in 2003, former Vice President, Dick Cheney, publicly remarked, Iraq has the potential to be the world's biggest oil supplier. Scientist have since stated the same.

One thing the government did not count on is insurgents fighting back with such fury, at the destruction of their homelands and death of their people. Men, women, children, babies and grandparents have died gruesome deaths with national infrastructures destroyed, diminishing their quality of life, via having to go without electricity and other modern conveniences. Is there any wonder it increased terrorist attacks against the West, which are not justified either. The conflict must stop on both ends.


U.S. Gov Finds $1 Trillion In Minerals In Afghanistan

Former MI5 Chief: War Made Terrorism Worse


The War Logs

Afghanistan War Logs: 90000 classified documents revealed