Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Will Not Be Released This Week

Recently released reality TV star, Alexis Neiers, speaking about Lindsay Lohan and jail

The Los Angeles Sheriff's Office has announced, jailed former child star, Lindsay Lohan, will not be released this week. She is serving 13-14 days on a 90 day sentence, for DUI probation violations.

Lindsay Lohan

The prudent judge that put her in the slammer, Marsha Revel, was seen getting a manicure at a Beverly Hills salon, which Lohan should have done, before walking into the courtroom and directing a "F**k U" painted middle finger in the jurist's direction.

Marsha Revel

The judge did not cite her for the incident, as she did not see it until the next day, when most of us did as well, due to photo enlargements, but she did revoke an order that Lohan was to report to rehab in 2-days, shaving it down to 24-hours, giving the disgraced star one less day to party before facing long overdue sobriety.