Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Angry About Instant Rehab

Lindsay Lohan: the judge has gotten to be kidding wanting me to go right to rehab. I have parties to go to crash.

Yesterday, disgraced Hollywood actress, Lindsay Lohan, childishly complained to the press, through a spokesperson, that she does not want to go right to rehab after being released from jail in Los Angeles. Lohan stated, she wishes to first spend time with her family.

However, the truth of the matter is, Lohan is experiencing terrible drug and alcohol cravings in jail and wants to go out partying, drinking and abusing drugs, upon her release. She needs to not indulge in such behavior, as that one last hurrah before sobriety, could be just that - the one that kills her.


Lawyer: Lindsay Lohan 'Upset,' Wants to Be With Family Before Rehab