U.S. President Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama is touting his new "Freedom Of Press Act" and using it to chastise other nations that penalize democratic, honest and free reporting by journalists and bloggers. The U.S. Constitution guarantees Freedom of the Press. Therefore, the Judiciary Report is baffled why this latest Act by the Obama administration, is even necessary.
Furthermore, as many journalists and bloggers can attest, including the Judiciary Report, our sites have been illegally and inappropriately, yanked off the internet, by abusive, spoiled, bratty, irrational, celebrities, politicians and government employees (The FBI), trampling on the Constitution.
They file fraudulent complaints with hosting companies and blog service providers, in attempts at silencing critics. Websites and blogs have been unconstitutionally taken off line, de-listed and or removed from search engines, news searches and topic timelines, in illegal bids at achieving censorship.
It is immature, disgraceful and pathetic to attempt to suppress free speech in this or any manner, especially considering webhosting providers, ISPs and blog services are legislatively protected from lawsuits arising from users' conduct. Therefore, to censor websites or remove them from the internet for free speech, is to do favors for someone in office or a Hollywood celebrity on TV that dislikes what is being written about them.
The tricks and schemes used by some trying to silence bloggers are very underhanded and dirty. There are even companies in existence that promise to shut up journalists and bloggers for a fee, by attacking their sites, illegally manipulating search results and waging personal vendettas against writers.
Obama's latest move is being attributed to the fact, many blogs slammed him something awful last week, for insulting the genre as one filled with "crazy stories" when so many bloggers are whistleblowers, providing a true public service. Many bloggers shot back that Obama dislikes the blogosphere, because it disseminates truth he cannot control and censor.