Monday, April 19, 2010

Site Notice

Sorry there were no posts on Friday (4-16-10). While I was in the process of trying to update the sites, Madonna's hackers, who work for the and Kabbalah, hacked into my computers again and maliciously damaged and deleted key Windows operating system files on my PC. Microsoft could not fix all the damage after a system Recovery and Repair, forcing me to do a reinstall of the operating system, which took time. I had the websites and data backed up elsewhere.

It's amazing that one year ago, President Obama proclaimed he would improve computer security in America, via protecting the infrastructure relating to said technology, to prevent hacking, yet 12 months on it is still happening.

In light of the repeated criminal misconduct madwoman Madonna and her sick Kabbalah cult refuse to desist in, a lawsuit will be filed very shortly against Madonna, Kabbalah and others connected to the misconduct, in an effort to restrain the crimes being committed against me (since the FBI has failed thus far).

All the data files tracing the malicious hacks back to the people that run Madonna's official website, will be presented as evidence, among other things. I will also sue regarding the persistent Kabbalah harassment, threats and attempted sexual assault incident, from members of her Miami Kabbalah Center she keeps sending to stalk, confront, harass and threaten me in public. During some of the incidents, there were witnesses present, whose testimonies will be entered into court evidence. Photos of the Kabbalah members Madonna keeps sending to stalk and confront me in public, will be entered into evidence as well.

This sick situation poses a great hazard to my health and safety. I had a stress induced aneurysm and I am supposed to avoid stress, so as not to sustain a second aneurysm that has a high probability of fatality, yet I am being confronted and terrorized by Madonna and co's psychotic, time consuming and stressful conduct on a regular basis, when I want nothing to do with them.