U.S. President Barack Obama: stop snitching!
U.S. President Barack Obama is cracking down on whistleblowers that expose misconduct within his regime government. A former employee of the NSA, Thomas A. Drake, was indicted for leaking confidential government documents to a journalist, revealing criminal conduct by the U.S. government.
The FBI recently did the same regarding another whistleblower that worked for the Bureau. Because if there's one thing Obama can't stand it's a snitch.
Obama DoJ indicts NSA whistleblower…are you mad yet?
Friday April 16, 2010 1:54 pm - If you were mad at all about Bush’s violations of civil liberties when he was president, this will get you fuming:
In a rare legal action against a government employee accused of leaking secrets, a grand jury has indicted a former senior National Security Agency official on charges of providing classified information to a newspaper reporter in hundreds of e-mail messages in 2006 and 2007.
The official, Thomas A. Drake, 52, was also accused of obstructing justice by shredding documents, deleting computer records and lying to investigators who were looking into the reporter’s sources...