Michael Bay (center) and Transformers cast
Considering his leading lady, Megan Fox, is only in the Transformers film franchise as eye candy, director Michael Bay, has hired actors with talent to compensate for the deficit.
Megan Fox
Bay has cast
Megan Fox, Michael Bay and Shia
Did my article last week branding Bay "superficial" get to him. But let's face it, that's what his work is to most. When I watch a Bay film I'm not thinking, "Wow, that was so artistic" - I'm thinking, "Oh c'mon, how much C-4 did this guy use!"
Note to Michael Bay: the U.S. military called and they want all their equipment back (grin).
"Transformers 3" Adds Some Grown-Ups: John Malkovich, Frances McDormand Cast by Michael Bay
March 22, 2010 02:20 PM EDT - John Malkovich and Frances McDormand will join Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox in Transformers 3, the third in Michael Bay's trilogy about robots in disguise. Malkovich, playing the LaBeouf character's first boss, and McDormand, playing "the National Intelligence Director," previously appeared together in 2008's Burn After Reading, which T3 will presumably not resemble in any other way...