The judges in the Hal Turner case, who were the subject of on-air death threats, at the aforementioned FBI informant's hands, spoke of their fear for their safety, as they addressed a courtroom this week in his retrial. Turner knew the FBI's instructions were questionable and unethical, posing a danger to public safety, but because he is on their payroll, he did it anyway. Thus he is culpable.
The Judiciary Report restates its claim. The FBI is reckless with victims of crime, leaving them at the mercy of criminals. No so-called FBI informant, should have been instructed to commit crimes. However, in case after case, we've seen the FBI slyly tell informants and instigators they pay with taxpayer money, to engage in criminal activity, to draw out potential criminals, in an effort to bulk up investigations and arrest quotas. All done in an effort to justify their billions in expenditures to the U.S. Congress.
Then, when said informants are arrested on serious crimes orchestrated by the Bureau, the FBI pretends they do not know them, attempting to disavow all knowledge of them, like it's the movie "Mission Impossible."
Grow up, already. You are not children trying to lie your way out of being sent to your room as punishment. You are playing with people's lives, some of whom have died. This criminal negligence is inexcusable.
What if some lone wolf had followed through on FBI informant Hal Turner's on-air call to violence and actually killed an unsuspecting judge. Then what. Why does the FBI not think these things through, rather than operating as loose cannons.
When one thinks of the number of people who have been brutally killed, severely injured or maimed by FBI informants, it is astonishing the Bureau has such leeway in endangering the public.
Judges testify that they feared for their lives after blog post by North Bergen shock jock Hal Turner
Last updated: Tuesday March 2, 2010, 8:28 PM - BROOKLYN – Three federal appellate judges took the witness stand Tuesday to say they feared for their lives after extremist shock jock Hal Turner of North Bergen wrote on his blog that they “deserve to be killed” for their ruling in a gun control case.
“I read it as a threat to kill me,” said one of the three, U.S. Appeals Court Judge William Bauer, who is based in Chicago...
Turner’s role as a secret FBI informant, who provided information on white supremacists and other extremists from 2003 to 2007, was detailed in an investigation by The Record in November. He claims he was urged by FBI agents to make provocative statements on his radio show and blog as a way of making contacts with members of America’s ultra-right wing...
Nonetheless, the judges said they felt afraid. “It’s obviously a threat,” said Posner.
“The principle concern is that someone would come and kill me or shoot me or try to blow me up,” added Easterbrook, who is the chief judge of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals...