Online brokerage house E*Trade told Lindsay Lohan she can go bounce with one of her checks, for suing them over one of their commercials that vaguely resembles her.
Some people did make the connection that the E*Trade ad featuring a "Milkaholic" baby in a love triangle, had hints of Lohan's real life mess of being a promiscuous alcoholic and drug user, but it is so vague, many people missed it.
Lindsay Lohan claims she is like Cher and enjoys one name recognition, but that is not the case. With her career in decline and financial collapse on the horizon, suing E*Trade is a desperate cash grab, as she has claimed $100,000,000 in damages, when commercially her name is not even worth $100,000.
She can't prove E*Trade defamed her, as she has a bad reputation, has slept with many men and women and became known for drug and alcohol problems she admitted to, after the ad aired.
She needs to be careful, as she may end up owing them legal fees over the lawsuit, if she is unable to prove how she has been legally damaged, rather than just being viewed as damaged goods.
E*TRADE: Lohan's Baby Lawsuit Is Bogus
Posted Mar 11th 2010 1:42PM - E*TRADE is firing back at Lindsay Lohan's claims that the online investment company ripped-off her name and likeness in its "Lindsay is a milkoholic" commercial.
E*TRADE issued the following statement to TMZ -- "We believe the claims are without merit and we intend to defend ourselves vigorously in this case." The investment company says its commercial was meant to be "witty and memorable."...