Saturday, February 27, 2010

Obama's Social Secretary Resigns

U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

Desiree Rogers, the social secretary of U.S. President, Barack Obama, has resigned from her job, which is regrettable, as she is the first black woman to hold the post. She was largely blamed for the Secret Service's failures, in allowing a couple to gatecrash the President's first state dinner, which was not fair.

Desiree Rogers

Rogers should not have resigned. Sasha and Malia could have been running over my foot every day with their tricycles, I would not have quit my post over another employee's blunder.

The Salahis gatecrashed the White House

The only way she should have quit, is if she slept with Mr. Obama and since he is not dead, via the First Lady killing him for cheating, you should not have left the White House.

Side Bar: this website does not advocate violence.

White House social secretary steps down

02:35 PM - The fallout from the White House party-crashers debacle continues: White House social secretary Desiree Rogers, the Obama pal who was the first black social secretary, will step down next month to pursue opportunities in the corporate world, according to the Chicago Sun-Times and the online magazine The Root.

Her departure had been likely ever since the first state dinner in November, reports USA TODAY's Maria Puente, when Tareq and Michaela Salahi, two Virginia reality-show-wannabes who were not invited to the party, got into the White House and even rubbed elbows with the president and vice-president...