Friday, February 5, 2010

Obama: "Why Question My Faith Or Citizenship?"

Obama Calls For Civility

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and husband, U.S. President Barack Obama at a prayer breakfast

A downcast President Barack Obama, today called for civility, as the attacks on his faith, labeling him Muslim, rather than Christian as he claims, coupled with doubt regarding his place of birth being America, have clearly gotten to him.

Currently, the President faces a lawsuit from U.S. Ambassador, Alan Keyes, who is adamant Obama's place of birth is Kenya, not the U.S. state of Hawaii. Keyes also contends his late mother was ineligible to transmit citizenship to him as an American, at the time of his birth.

"Obama: Why Question My Faith Or Citizenship?"

Obama's calls for civility are being met with skepticism, as some members of his Administration have been anything but civil with the press and public.

The President's Administration is comprised of many, some of whom have openly broken the law at the Department of Justice, FBI and Homeland Security, for millions to see. Therefore, who is truly lacking civility.