Monday, February 22, 2010

Madonna Stole Anne Sexton Poem


Another nice reader has sent the site information regarding Madonna stealing others copyrighted works and trying to pass it off as her own, in violation of the Copyright Act and Berne Convention.

Chronic copyright infringer Madonna, stole a poem by Anne Sexton, changing a few lines, then sending it to a boyfriend, who auctioned it off for profit recently. I don’t know why anyone would want to own any drivel by that madwoman.

Anne Sexton

However, her conduct in the Sexton theft, illustrates a well-established pattern of copyright theft Madonna has utilized in her own career, from her very first infringing song that hit the charts.

She searches for preexisting copyrights, when one strikes her fancy, she steals it, changes a line or two, then releases it as her own like a sociopath, committing criminal copyright infringement for financial enrichment, which is also constitutes fraud, money laundering and conversion.

Side Bar: why do some people say "borrowed" when attempting to minimize what is "stealing" and criminal theft of property. You borrow a cup of sugar. When you take a copyright(s), you've committed a domestic and international crime classified as stealing.


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Madonna 'borrowed Sexton love poem'

Thursday, August 6 2009, 1:24am EDT - A love poem that Madonna wrote to her former bodyguard is similar to one that Anne Sexton penned, it has been reported.

House are reportedly auctioning off raunchy video and audio tapes that the 'Erotica' singer sent to her ex-minder James Albright, along with love letters she would fax him using the alias Lola Montez.

One of the poems up for sale closely resembles Sexton's Love Song from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author's Live Or Die collection, the New York Post reports.

A fax dated December 24, 1993 reads: "I was the girl of the love letter/the girl full of talk of dreams and destination... the one with her eyes half under the covers/with her large gun-metal blue eyes/with the thick vein in the crook of her neck."

In comparison, Sexton wrote: "I was the girl of the chain letter/the girl full of talk of coffins and keyholes...the one with her eyes half under her coat/with her large gun-metal blue eyes/with the thin vein at the bend of her neck."...