The FBI had informant, Craig Monteilh, corrupting Muslim women, by sleeping with them for information on members of mosques they targeted. He stated, "FBI agents authorized him to record Muslims using electronic surveillance at mosques, homes and gyms and to date and have sex with Muslim women to glean information from them, according to a copy of the lawsuit.
In light of this revelation, the FBI owes Muslim women an apology. The government should be able to conduct surveillance campaigns of any religious or secular group that bears a credible threat to national security, but not by sexually compromising its members.
Regarding Monteilh's lawsuit, I would love to read the files regarding his communications with FBI agents and field offices, to view how they determined this questionable level of surveillance was appropriate, because it is not.
According to the press, "The FBI has declined to say whether Monteilh was an informant for the agency." That means yes, he was an FBI informant and had dealings with them. I've noticed that with the FBI in numerous cases. When it's true, they simply do not acknowledge it or try to play it down, due to public humiliation at their terrible conduct.
The government should pay damages whenever an informant or victim of crime is assaulted and or left for dead by them, due to their criminal negligence. It has happened too many times, to too many people at the FBI's hands, for it not to be true.
Furthermore, what is the logic or legality of constantly hiring informants to commit crimes and spool others into unlawful activity they otherwise would not have engaged in, just so you can solve said crimes, to keep the billions in taxpayer budget money flowing into the Bureau.
Aren't there enough crimes out there for you to solve without constantly creating new ones and engaging in entrapment. Look how many missing kids there are in America. Look how much white collar crime is transpiring, costing the nation trillions and its place in the world.
Something needs to be done about these unethical FBI methods, as it is a dishonorable way to conduct federal business that brings the U.S. government's name into disrepute in America and all over the world.
Global audiences read articles and press releases regarding FBI lawsuits and walk away with a horrible impression of the agency, as often the content is so mind bogglingly horrible, due to what the Federal Bureau of Investigation engages in, who would want to deal with them in any capacity after viewing such information.
Why Congress allows their Frankenstein such leeway to commit these crimes is anyone's guess at this point.
Man who says he spied on Calif. mosques sues FBI
Monday, January 25, 2010; 5:37 PM - SANTA ANA, Calif. - A Southern California man who said he spied on mosques for the FBI has filed a lawsuit accusing the agency of letting him go to jail for work he did as an informant.
Craig Monteilh, 47, of Irvine, a fitness consultant, is seeking $10 million from the FBI in a lawsuit filed Friday in federal court in Los Angeles. Monteilh also sued the Irvine Police Department.
Monteilh said he infiltrated mosques for the FBI and gave the agency information about Ahmadullah Niazi, the brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden's bodyguard who pleaded not guilty last year to lying about terrorist ties on his citizenship papers.
But Monteilh said federal and local authorities let him serve time on a theft case related to prior work he did for the FBI and barred him from telling the court he was an undercover informant to clear his name.
"That right there deprived me and violated my right to due process," Monteilh said. "The FBI here is dead in the water. We can prove everything we've alleged by subpoenaing these records."...
The FBI has declined to say whether Monteilh was an informant for the agency.
Monteilh said he began posing as a new Muslim convert to infiltrate Southern California mosques between July 2006 and October 2007. He claimed that FBI agents authorized him to record Muslims using electronic surveillance at mosques, homes and gyms and to date and have sex with Muslim women to glean information from them, according to a copy of the lawsuit...