Martin Luther King Jr.
Democratic senator, John Kerry, is seeking the full release of the FBI's Freedom of Information Act files, on the late civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr. For years, the FBI deceitfully released partial files that have been heavily redacted. It screams cowardice, dishonesty and treachery.
It's really ridiculous that a U.S. Senator has to bring forth special legislation to unearth all the FBI King files, when the Freedom of Information Act, which is already in existence by Congressional order, states the people of the United States are entitled to the files in question that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is disgracefully hiding.
The suicide letter the devilish FBI sent to Martin Luther King Jr. telling him to kill himself, just before he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. Thankfully, he didn't harm himself.
The FBI isn't fooling anyone but themselves, into thinking the nation and the world likes and respects them for this appalling deceit, treachery and treason. The world hates the FBI. Americans look at the Bureau with mistrust and disdain and foreign governments greet them with quiet suspicion, believing the absolute worst when they see them coming.
Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
It is apart of the reason so many nations honored King with awards and accolades while he was alive and continue to do so to this day - it is to stand up to the foul, ongoing conduct of the FBI, who tried to dehumanize and destroy him. When they couldn't break him nor convince him to kill himself, they murdered him in cold blood like animals.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s funeral
King wasn't perfect, but he certainly didn't deserve the horrific abuse the FBI subjected him to for years. No one does, as it is evil, ugly and unspeakably wicked.
For decades it has been said, the FBI murdered King, deeming him an abomination, for being a black man preaching about equal rights. How ironic, as that ugly, abominable racism still exists at the FBI, deeming blacks and Hispanics inferior to whites. The Judiciary Report believes, if Martin Luther King Jr. had been born into modern times, preaching today the same message he did during the Civil Rights era, the FBI would murder him all over again.
As the expression goes, heaven forbid anyone stands up and peacefully states all people are created equal in the sight of God - the FBI immediately brands you a communist, socialist or spy that needs to be neutralized immediately.
Former FBI Director and murderer J. Edgar Hoover
After all, this is the same FBI arguing in a 2009 court case that the Civil Rights Act did not give blacks equal rights under the law. Therefore, the FBI hasn't changed.
As usual, the FBI is behaving as though it is a law unto itself, in trying to hide one of world history's worst open secrets. Hiding Martin Luther King Jr's true FOIA files will not make the world love the FBI, as many and I do mean many, people currently hate the agency and want it gone. The FBI is the most hated law enforcement agency in America and the world. Therefore, they need to drop the charade and exit the stage.
FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
Since the days of King, the FBI has been held up to world contempt. Recently, failures involving September 11th, Fort Hood, the attempted airline bombing of Christmas 2009, the billion dollar computer system fiasco and Patriot Act abuse scandal, among other things, has destroyed the agency's name to greater degrees in modern times.
Additionally, as much as the FBI likes to blame others for its all encompassing failures, the FBI's greatest enemy is...the FBI. For further reference, see the FBI's Aged Osama Pic Scandal. Poor judgment permeates FBI hq.
Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity?
The C.I.A. can be downright evil and wicked, doing things they have to hide from the American people, lest riots break out in the streets of America, but the world never viewed them as incompetent. The FBI has an image of incompetence, idiocy and insanity it just can't shake, thanks to poor leadership from headquarters, in folly after folly.
While, one maybe able to laugh at it, there is one massive problem. As the Judiciary Report has stated for years, the FBI is America's first line of defense against terrorists and serious criminals. The FBI + national security is a formula for the death of innocent people. Something needs to be done on a congressional level, lest millions die when the FBI fails again, on a greater level in a serious terror probe.
A Terrible Piece Of History: Martin Luther King Jr "Suicide Letter"
The King And Kennedy Assassinations
FBI Blew Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks
FBI Blamed For London Bombings
FBI Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer
FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids
FBI Heads Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder
FBI Slammed By Scientists That Seek To Sue
King's FBI files may be opened to public view
U.S. Sen. John Kerry plans to introduce legislation next week that would pave the way for the release of thousands of FBI documents on the life and death of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Kerry, D-Mass., said the bill, which failed in 2006, can pass this year in honor of King. "I want the world to know what he stood for," Kerry said. "And I want his personal history preserved and examined by releasing all of his records."
The bill calls for creating a Martin Luther King Records Collection at the National Archives that would include all government records related to King. The bill also would create a five-member independent review board that would identify and make public all documents from agencies including the FBI — just as a review board in 1992 made public documents related to the 1963 John F. Kennedy assassination...
www.cointel.org - excellent reference site, including declassified and liberated documents. Includes the FBI's letter to Martin Luther King, Jr. urging him to commit suicide, sent just before he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. http://www.truthdig.com/uncovered
The FBI and Martin Luther King
On October 10, 1963, U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy committed what is widely viewed as one of the most ignominious acts in modern American history: he authorized the Federal Bureau of Investigation to begin wiretapping the telephones of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Kennedy believed that one of King's closest advisers was a top-level member of the American Communist Party, and that King had repeatedly misled Administration officials about his ongoing close ties with the man. Kennedy acted reluctantly, and his order remained secret until May of 1968, just a few weeks after King's assassination and a few days before Kennedy's own. But the FBI onslaught against King that followed Kennedy's authorization remains notorious, and the stains on the reputations of everyone involved are indelible. http://www.theatlantic.com