Saturday, October 3, 2009

FBI Defends NYPD In Congress

Najibullah Zazi

Contrary to published reports in the mainstream press the FBI is defending the NYPD in the terror bust of Najibullah Zazi, regarding the tip off that occurred between an Imam and the aforementioned suspect. The NYPD can't be blamed for FBI HQ's poor planning.

The FBI is not handling its investigations properly and it is a public hazard. The NYPD was following the FBI's lead, but the leadership is not of the best order.

The Bureau needs to change its practices, as having terrorist suspects roaming around the country, to afford the FBI the opportunity to presuppose, pontificate, formulate theories and luxuriate time on cases, filing it under the category of seeking to catch others that may or may not be affiliated with the primary target plotting to commit acts of criminal misconduct, poses a severe danger to the public.

If a deviation in a bombing plan occurs, shifting to another form of improvisational terror, many American civilians could die.

Intent to commit Jihad should be enough to pick them up. After all, if an individual states they are going to kill the President, that qualifies as a punishable crime.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller: two, that's how many times I've lied to you already in this Congressional hearing.

The minute a potential Jihadist states they wish to commit such terrorist acts, said verbal or written statement should be enough under the law, to make an arrest.

The government should not wait until the target actually gathers the materials/weapons or tries to load and or detonate a bomb, as that is leaving too much to chance, risking great collateral damage, in potential lives lost.

The FBI had conclusive evidence showing intent for quite sometime, yet allowed Zazi to roam free in America for two years. How can this be the right way.

Side Bar: Zazi's intentions are quite vicious, but sorry, he doesn't appear to be the real deal. Yes, what he did is illegal and he deserves life in prison, but he is not a bonafide terrorist. He is another wannabe.

He is a stooge in what has to be the gayest terrorist attempt ever - trying to blow people up with hair dye. Which self-respecting terrorist goes gay like that. This dude is the Muslim Ken Paves (the gay hairdresser of reality TV star Jessica Simpson).

FBI director defends NYPD's actions in terror probe

September 30, 2009 - FBI Director Robert Mueller Wednesday appeared to throw cold water on speculation the NYPD jumped the gun and tipped off terror suspect Najibullah Zazi that he was being investigated.

Controversy over the way city detectives handled the case erupted when it became known a Flushing imam they interviewed later tipped off Zazi that police were asking about him and others.

Wednesday, law enforcement sources told The Associated Press other possible plotters were under heavy surveillance and officials believe there is no longer any threat of a bomb attack...