Monday, October 5, 2009

Countrywide Destroyed Incriminating Evidence Against Senators

Chris Dodd

Predatory lender Countrywide, that was recently taken over by Bank Of America, as bad banking practices ran it into the ground, while the corrupt CEO, Enzio Mozillo, made off with almost $200,000,000, destroyed evidence that linked two senators to questionable loans.

Kent Conrad

Senators Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad were recently chastised for taking loans from Countrywide, with favorable discounts, which gave the appearance of impropriety, in swaying legislation in favor of the mischievous mortgage brokers.

Phone Calls Add to Din Over Loans

September 28, 20009 - Congressional Investigators Ask for More on Countrywide VIP Mortgage Program

The discovery that Countrywide Financial Corp. recorded phone conversations with borrowers in a controversial mortgage program that included public officials -- and that those recordings have been destroyed -- has prompted new congressional calls for more information about the program.

Rep. Darrell Issa of California, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is trying to subpoena the remaining records of Countrywide's VIP loan program. So far, the committee's chairman, New York Democratic Rep. Edolphus Towns, has turned down that request.

The committee's Republican staff investigators have spent months looking into the VIP program, and learned of ...