During the confrontation Taylor threw the first punch. Within seconds, Ferguson and the group of girls swarmed the smaller Taylor, beating her to a pulp. The girls punched, kicked and stomped Taylor and ripped out her hair extensions. Ferguson repeatedly kicked and stomped on Taylor’s head. They lived up to their gang’s name - savages.
Ariana Taylor was beaten by
several girls
Ferguson took Taylor’s purse, makeup bag and coat and threw them in them in a dumpster (garbage/skip) outside the restaurant. The girls fled the fast food restaurant. Taylor was hospitalized for her injuries, twice in one week as she collapsed days after release due to the concussion, broken nose and various bruises from direct body blows.
Aniah Ferguson led the group of
girls in beating Ariana Taylor
Police issued a statement ordering the girls involved in the beating to come forward, as the victim refused to cooperate and name them as her attackers. One by one police identified, tracked down and arrested each girl from the fight. The ringleader in the fight, Ferguson, is a young woman with a rap sheet containing several arrests that include, stabbing her brother in the arm and being arrested on weapons charges. The 7-year-old punched her 65-year-old grandmother in the face twice and scratched up one side of her face.
Aniah Ferguson being arrested
Days later she bit a police officer, who tried to enforce a restraining order her grandmother filed after the attack. On another occasion, a neighbor reported seeing Ferguson’s grandmother run from the family’s home stating the 16-year-old was going to, “Burn the house down.” Ferguson was also previously arrested for assaulting a woman, then biting the police officer who arrested her.
Ferguson’s violent tendencies, rage issues, fixation on fire and complete lack of empathy reveal she is a psychopath with schizophrenic leanings. Ferguson is a danger to the community. Her repeated arrests also reveal an unwillingness to reform. Medication and correctional behavior is warranted.