Hunter Moore
The site caused many innocent people distress, mental anguish and depression. Moore is facing several years in prison for his crimes. The FBI arrested Moore on hacking and identity theft charges, regarding stealing nude photos via hacking. He pled guilty to the charges. The FBI is currently prosecuting Moore's 26-year-old hacker, Chris Evens, in an indictment stating he broke into hundreds of email accounts to steal items.
Revenge porn operators have been testing the boundaries of
the law in a cruel game of humiliating innocent people, via
vengefully posting private, pornographic photos and or videos of individuals
online. These items are often submitted by bitter former partners.
Some photos and videos are secretly taken by depraved voyeurs without the subject's
knowledge or consent, which is sick.
The Judiciary Report has repeatedly stated there should be
federal and international laws barring individuals from secretly
filming and or uploading
pornographic items of others to the internet without their
consent. Serious penalties, both financial and prison time, need
to be enacted for offenders. They should also be required to
register as sex offenders, as these are perverted crimes. Revenge porn is a vile crime that
violates victims in a particularly sick way. Some victims of
revenge porn have killed themselves, which is regrettable and
not the answer to their problems.