Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Texas Nurse Who Cared For Liberian Tourist That Died From Ebola Is Now Infected As Well (Video)

26-year-old Texas nurse, Nina Pham, is the second person to be infected with the Ebola virus in America, after caring for now deceased Liberian tourist, Thomas Eric Duncan. Pham and her dog are under quarantine and being cared for. It is believed transmission occurred when Pham accidentally breached CDC health and safety protocols in how to remove protective clothing after treating an Ebola patient. 70 others have possibly been exposed in this incident. 

Nina Pham

The Judiciary Report has done exclusive articles in the past on lab safety when it comes to disease that were later proven true and correct when the CDC was excoriated in Congress for poor procedures and various breaches. 

Thomas Eric Duncan

Health and safety in reference to scientists and healthcare workers who deal with disease is nerve wracking and can be downright tricky. Health and safety procedures have to be followed to the letter or death can result. It's not an easy job in the medical or science fields. However, scientists and healthcare workers have to be alert, vigilant and meticulous in their work.