Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Justin Bieber States He’s Shaved His Mustache (What Mustache? *Crickets*)

There Are Peaches At The Supermarket With More Fuzz On Them Than Bieber’s Top Lip

Justin Bieber posted this photo with the words "rip stache"

19-year-old pop star and Ellen Degeneres look alike, Justin Bieber, stated online that he has shaved his mustache. I have 20/20 vision, so I had to check if it was April Fools, because I’ve never seen Bieber with a mustache. Bieber posted before and after pictures and it’s kind of funny when both pics look EXACTLY THE SAME. Having a Kanye moment, Bieber? You‘re too young for senility to be setting in LOL.

Even Ellen Degeneres’ mustache is thicker than Bieber’s (yea, I said it). You know, they make nice hair plugs for balding men, maybe they make them for teenage dudes with bald top lips.

In closing, there’s nothing wrong with having a mustache or not having one. It doesn’t make one more or less of a man. P.S. Bieber, since you've been working out in the gym, you don’t look 12 anymore. Now you look …13 (haha!). Just kidding.