Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lindsay Lohan's Newest Mug Shot Released As She Prepares For Rehab In Lieu Of Jail On A String Of Probation Violations

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan's newest mug shot has the fallen Hollywood actress looking meaner than muck. For once the law flouting former child star, who used to be a multi-millionaire, is not grinning in a mug shot, after a judge wiped the smirk off her face. Lohan looks like someone stole her drugs in the mug shot.

26-year-old Lohan pled no contest to lying to police and reckless driving in her latest arrest, which occurred in Los Angeles, California. In lieu of jail, Lohan will go into rehab for the umpteenth time, which she doesn't take seriously. Past stints in rehab had Lohan sneaking out and hopping fences. Rehab is only successful when participants actually try. Even if they relapse, they learn skills to help them cope with their addiction and beat it. However, one must actually pay attention and not ditch.