Friday, November 16, 2012

Drug Addicted Rihanna Being Sexually Passed Around Hollywood To Chris Brown's Disgust

Rihanna smoking weed

Cocaine snorting, weed smoking alcoholic Rihanna is being passed around the entertainment industry by men and women, especially when she is high and drunk. Most people would not put themselves in said situations where they can be used in such a dreadful manner, but she has constantly put herself in harm's way, under the guise of career advancement in Hollywood.


Chris Brown
As a result she has become so sexually used up and at times not sure of what transpired when she was high, the love of her life, Chris Brown, has qualms about her, choosing model Karrueche Tran over her time and time again.

Chris Brown Losing His Grip On Reality To Think He Can Keep Two Jealous Women (Rihanna And Karrueche Tran)

Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran

Chris Brown is not thinking clearly to believe he can publicly string along two women and have them competing against and insulting each other over him. He oddly believes nothing bad will come of it, when all the signs are there the trio are headed for trouble.


Chris Brown has made his choice again and again and it has repeatedly been Karrueche Tran over Rihanna. Tran is constantly spotted in his company and frequenting his house at indecent hours, despite claims he made that they have broken up. 

Brown is currently performing in concert as apart of his poorly received tour that has been met with protests in Europe. His 2009 arrest for domestic violence regarding Rihanna has not been forgotten.

Democrats And Republicans Argue Over 'Fiscal Cliff" While Majority Of Americans Express No Confidence In The Government's Ability To Address The Problem


Barack Obama

A recent poll revealed 80% of Americans do not have confidence in the government to address the terrible 'fiscal cliff" it's about to go over, due to the inability to remedy the serious issues confronting the U.S. economy (that includes you Obama).

Barack Obama

The American people have watched as attempt after attempt has failed, as both major political parties have vastly different ideologies and have not been able to strike a viable compromise. At what point will the government put party second and nation first. Will they wait for things to become exponentially worse, before they come together and solve the crisis.

The FBI Removed Boxes Of Classified Documents From The Home Of David Patraeus' Mistress During Raid

The Plot Thickens

Paula Broadwell (back left), David Patraeus (front right) walks with wife Holly Patraeus 

The mere fact the FBI removed boxes of classified material from the home of Paula Broadwell, one of the mistresses of former CIA chief, General David Patraeus, is an indication she crossed the line in her dealings with him in more ways than one.

David Patraeus and Paula Broadwell

Broadwell, the author of Patraeus' biography had already published the book. Therefore, why would she have possession of boxes of classified files belonging to the state. Why was she allowed to take the documents to her house in the first place. 

Paula Broadwell

Broadwell's character is in question, as she threatened one of Patraeus' other mistresses, Jill Kelley, in conduct that is unlawful, which resulted in the scandal that led to his resignation. In order for Broadwell to have gained clearance to have access to Patraeus, she would have undergone an FBI background check, which she passed, despite these blaring issues. The FBI background check clearly has holes in it.  

It Must Be Hard For Barbara Palvin's Boyfriend That Justin Bieber's Been Trying To Bed His Girlfriend

Justin Bieber and Barbara Palvin

Kristof Somfai, the boyfriend of Victoria Secret model, Barbara Pavlin must be upset that his beautiful girlfriend is being pursued by teen pop star Justin Bieber. My source informed me, Bieber has been trying to bed Palvin, as some of his friends are encouraging him in this endeavor, branding her the type of girl he should be with - an underwear model.


Barbara Palvin and boyfriend, Bieber look-alike, Kristof Somfai
Bieber was recently dumped by actress, Selena Gomez, due to his cheating that got back to her. There was a blonde bimbo, Carly Rae Jepsen and now Pavlin, who jumped at the chance to go out with him on a date to see the play "The Lion King."

Barbara Palvin
Bieber is taken with Pavlin, as she is pretty and very womanly. Though they are only a year apart in age, the site still maintains, she is too much woman for Bieber, who still looks 12, while she could pass for mid to late twenties. What if she sleeps with him and they have to call an ambulance for Bieber.

Selena Gomez and British co-star Gregg Sulkin

It's amazing that due to Bieber's friends, he has gone back on his publicly pronounced pledge not to engage in casual sex, which in this day and age is risky. Not to mention, he has broken Gomez's heart and unwisely left her around a hunky Englishman  (Gregg Sulkin). She's going to be skipping around Hollywood singing "London Bridge Is Falling Down" and everybody will be wondering why (LOL).

Is Miley Cyrus Going To Get Married With That Hair

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth

As stated previously on the site, Miley Cyrus choppy new do does not suit her. It's too punk rock and she's a pop star. Her previously hairstyle was much more flattering, but trying to be edgy, Cyrus went for a haircut that doesn't showcase her looks at its best. 

Miley Cyrus

It was recently announced Cyrus is getting married to actor Liam Hemsworth. Word of advice, get rid of that hairdo for the wedding. You don't want to look back at your wedding pictures years from and be embarrassed. At least, your kids certainly will be.

Mullets from the 80s
So many couples that got married in the 1980s, who had mullets or folks from the 1970s with massive afros look back and laugh (some grimace) while their kids ask, "What were you thinking." So, if you don't want your kids cracking up at your pics in the future...