More information has been released on the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza,
regarding his psyche before he shot
and killed 20 kids and 7 adults in
Connecticut. 20-year-old Adam and his mother Nancy Lanza, were in need of mental
health services. It was revealed Nancy Lanza was stock piling weapons, food and
other supplies, having a doomsday view of the world, believing it was about to
end due to economic collapse. She instilled these fears in her already mentally
ill son, who was in need of institutionalization.
Nancy Lanza
When people get into such a state, they no longer think rationally. Lanza,
shot his mother in the head several times, while she lay in bed. He then went to
Sandy Hook Elementary and shot 20 children and 6 adults, before turning the gun
on himself when authorities stormed the building.
Adam Lanza
In Lanza’s crazed mental state, he may have irrationally believed he was
saving the children and his mom from the end of the world (especially with all
the December 21, 2012 doomsday prophecies going around based on the Mayan
calendar). You’d be surprised at the things people sometimes believe, as wrong
and dangerous as it may be.
Adam Lanza
You see it in tragic situations where a family is facing financial or social
problems, leading someone within the unit to wrongly believe the answer is to
kill everyone and it will reunite them in the next life problem free. It is a
tremendous waste of life, all due to mental instability. When mental clarity
goes, a mind is susceptible to entertaining strange and sometimes dangerous