Snoop Dogg Needs To Come Get His Grandma!
I Have No Words For This
You know, you wouldn't suspect an adorable 73-year-old granny of selling weed by the pound, but you'd be wrong. Darlene Mayes was arrested in Oklahoma after an undercover officer busted her with $276,000 in cash and 4 pounds of weed (rappers and rastas reading this, stop salivating and or preparing Mayes legal fund to the shouts of "Free Granny").
Darlene Mayes
Apparently, Granny had the block on lock, supplying 40% of the area with weed. I know granny could roll a spliff (joint) with her dentures (now there's a commercial Polygrip didn't see coming). Are you guys sure this isn't Bob Marley or Snoop Dogg's granny, because then this story would make sense. Seriously, someone needs to get grandma into rehab, because I know she was using her product.