Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wall Street Protestors March Outside The Home Of Greedy CEOs Such As News Corp's Rupert Murdoch

"Occupy Wall Street" protestors, took their fight to the mansions of the rich and famous in New York, taking particular care they went to the Fifth Avenue home of News Corp CEO, Rupert Murdoch. It is quite fitting they should protest Murdoch, a man who has made his money via theft, illegally running people out of business to steal their assets and criminally spying on many via commissioned phone hacking, hacking and wiretapping, then shamefully printing the contents of the unlawful surveillance in his newspapers for profit. Murdoch also uses his Fox News and Sky News networks to stir up controversy, hate, division and racism for financial gain. This is a man that has been caught red-handed bribing police to get away with robbing and abusing innocent people.

Murdoch is one of the key figures responsible for the horrible financial crisis that has hit America, which also spread to prominent nations of the world, due to his unbridled greed and illegal tactics. His disgraceful use of News Corp television networks, to push through and promote a corrupt and corrosive political and financial agenda, enabled Murdoch and others like him to get richer, while the world as a whole became poorer and suffered. It's time to reverse that unjust development and if the government refuses to legally make this happen, vote them out.

Rupert Murdoch

The Judiciary Report is convinced Murdoch's misdeeds via the broadcasting and publishing industries, which he used to exploit, batter and abuse many for profit, has greatly aided in bringing this financial and social calamity on America and by extension the world. He broadcasted this greedy agenda that high profile politicians bowed to and to the detriment of us all. This all transpired under the complicit eye of Congress, who possesses the legal tools to rein him and others in his set in, but have stubbornly refused to do so, allowing brazen high profile criminals to damage so many innocent people.

The damage inflicted on the U.S. economy is so extensive, with much of it long lasting. So many people and companies have sustained permanent damage during the ongoing financial crisis. Until the White House, U.S. Congress and the British Parliament arrest Murdoch, his kin and other similarly corrupt individuals, the financial damage will continue to rage on.

President Obama (Democrat) and House Speaker John Boehner (Republican)

It's been three and a half years of this crisis and it is getting worse in America, not better, which should indicate to you the problem lies with the criminals in the corporate sector Congress and the FBI/DOJ refuses to arrest, due to massive campaign donations and bribes to federal law enforcement.

A world of several billion people are being made to suffer for the sake of several hundred greedy, lazy, well-connected, high profile individuals that are gouging and stealing to get richer. They are the ones that should be made poor, not the public, via paying restitution and fines for the crimes they have committed. The world is not going to tolerate it much longer. You have unwisely allowed things to reach boiling point.

Senator Nancy Pelosi (Democrat)

The slaps on the wrist are not working to deter money motivated criminal behavior, as said financial fraudsters continue to wreak havoc on the global economy in the name of getting richer. Decisive action needs to be taken against the thieves and fraudsters in the corporate sector, who are bringing the country and many allied nations down.

How can recovery happen when the main criminals that caused the calamity in the first place, are still running loose and unethically trading in business like nothing happened. You've allowed them to get away with murder, which is a recipe for disaster. America was not meant to be a nation with a tiny group of rich and a massive amount of poor. That's not going to work. It is not in this nation's psyche to adapt to such a demotion, after many decades of prosperity and it shall only breed horrible results. The government is changing the American way of life for the worse and they need to turn around before it is too late.


Occupy Wall Street swarms Rupert Murdoch's home on march

Occupy Wall Street...Mansions