Tuesday, October 11, 2011

President Obama Criticized For His "Complete Confidence" In Scandal Plagued Attorney General Eric Holder

Barack Obama

President Barack Obama is being slammed for supporting his Attorney General, Eric Holder, who is under fire for sanctioning a "gunwalking" program that put U.S. Department of Justice weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians and two American border patrol agents.

Eric Holder

Emails reveal Holder knew of and underwrote the program with U.S. taxpayer money, but lied to members of Congress, the press and the public, regarding his involvement, what he knew and when. Holder cost ATF employees their jobs, for following his instructions, in what appears to be an FBI/DOJ set-up, in their ongoing, well-publicized rivalry that was slammed by Congress two years ago. In the face of all this misconduct and blood on Holder's hands, President Obama is unwisely championing his terrible behavior that cost innocent people on both sides of the fence their very lives. Critics from both sides of the political aisle have denounced what transpired.

Weapons issued by Obama's Department Of Justice, bought with U.S. taxpayer money, in the home of a Mexican drug cartel assassin, who among others, used the guns to kill many innocent people, including two Americans

Why Obama would embrace this scandal and Holder is a mystery (not really) and to do so is to taint his own name (definitely). Right is right and wrong is wrong - and Holder is wrong, as people are dead because of his awful, reckless decisions. All this man has done is cost Obama more votes than he can count, as he will soon see in the 2012 election, due to one scandal after another, Holder kick started via corruption. Holder is a disgrace and he owes the families of the deceased an apology. For Obama to back Holder is to spit on their graves and dishonor their memories.


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