Thursday, January 20, 2011

Zimbabwe's First Lady Spending Money Like It's Water

Grace Mugabe

Zimbabwe's First Lady, Grace Mugabe, has been spending copious sums of money from the national treasury, while the people of her nation suffer in poverty and pain. Her husband, Robert Mugabe, has allowed her to loot the nation's coffers.

Grace and Robert Mugabe. She was his married secretary, then became his mistress, then wife.

She has built lavish palaces, each worth tens of millions of dollars, while her countrymen go hungry and some homeless. Grace Mugabe has repeatedly spent six figures on lavish shopping trips in Europe and Hong Kong, so much so, she was specifically named in international sanctions levied against her husband, due to this habit.

The dining room of the latest palace Grace Mugabe built at a cost of $26,000,000

At the end of the day, this is not public service, but thievery. When one takes far more from one's nation than one gives, one is a spendthrift not fit for office. There's no way to pretty it up. One cannot claim to love one's country and demand it underwrite a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the poor. To know the plight of one's destitute countrymen and live like one is rich, by using State funds, with the attitude money is no object, speaks to the poorness of one's heart.