Christina Taylor Green
Beautiful, bright, 9-year-old, Christina Taylor-Green, was laid to rest today in Arizona, after dying from a gunshot wound to the chest. Green was one of the victims of schizophrenic gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, who opened fire on a crowd at a Safeway Supermarket in Tucson. Green and her neighbors had attended a "Congress On Your Corner" event, hosted by U.S. Representative, Gabrielle Giffords, who was also shot in the melee. Giffords is still in the hospital after sustaining a gunshot wound to the head.
Green was one of fifty lovely babies featured in the book "Faces of Hope" to commemorate children born on the day of America's worst terrorist attack, September 11th. As her family has pointed out, she was born on the day of a tragedy and passed in one as well. It is tragic and terrible her life was cut short by a madman's bullet. Tragedies are never easy to accept, especially when children are involved. For her family, the pain of her passing will diminish with time and they can take comfort in knowing she is with God.
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