Barack Obama at Tucson memorial
U.S. President Barack Obama, is being slammed today for the tone of his speech at the memorial for victims of the Tucson massacre. The President flew to Arizona, with First Lady, Michelle Obama, to give the main speech at the memorial for the twenty victims that were gunned down at a Safeway Supermarket, by gunman, Jared Lee Loughner. Six people died as a result of the tragedy.
U.S. Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, was the primary target of the shooting
Political pundits and pop culture critics alike, issued scathing articles and blog posts today, regarding the President turning the event into "a pep rally" similar to the ones he put on when seeking office. Many were angry that T-shirts were being sold at the memorial as well.
Washington Honors Tucson Massacre Victims
Westboro Baptist Will Not Picket Arizona Victims' Funerals
Obama And Palin Fighting Spurred Political Violence
Gabby Giffords Shooter Was Involved In The Occult
U.S. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords Was Being Stalked
Another Mass Murderer Passed The FBI Background Check
U.S. Congresswoman Shot In The Head As Gunman Opens Fire On Crowd