Friday, January 14, 2011

Comedy Alert: Two Trannies Rob Home Depot For Batteries...And End Up Fighting The Staff

When Trannies Attack!

Two Miami transvestites robbed a Home Depot in South Florida, pilfering large quantities of batteries - what for, remains a mystery. Why do they need "hundreds of dollars" in batteries. You just can't make this stuff up...and there's video too.

When one of them was caught by employees, determined to help his fellow tranny, who was fallen in the line of duty, one of the suspects breaks out a can of pepper spray and douses three Home Depot employees in one go. As a result, the workers were immobilized for 45 minutes.

The two transvestites are on the left and the getaway car driver is on the right (David Tucker, Kendal Lowry and Jeffrey Baldwin)

However, two employees managed to drag one of the transvestites back into the store, only for his homeboy, er, homegirl, to rush back into the store and beat another employee down with a spray can, for detaining his partner. Who knew it was so hard working at Home Depot. This was pure comedy. It was wrong, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh.

Side bar: one of the trannies needed a touch up (relaxer) and to make matters worse, during the fracas his waves were knocked out of place.


Boynton Police: video, 911 calls detail cross-dressers' pepper spray attack