Friday, November 5, 2010

BP In The Clear - Halliburton On The Hot Seat

Lamar McKay (BP), Steven Newman and Tim Project (Halliburton)

A recently released report indicated Halliburton, not BP, was the real culprit behind the unprecedented Gulf of Mexico oil spill, which occurred off the coast of Louisiana. Halliburton knew the cement was faulty and did not hold up in tests, but went ahead with it anyway.

The Judiciary Report insisted this was the case all along regarding culpability, but Halliburton, who has come up in this site’s stats as web visitors, denied responsibility. BP ended up paying out $10 billion dollars in shareholder money to those negatively impacted in the region, while Halliburton skated.

The Judiciary Report insisted from the beginning, Halliburton, should be made to contribute a significant amount of money to the spill recovery fund, but they did not, leaving BP to shoulder all the blame, when it wasn‘t even their equipment or methods that caused the spill (it was Halliburton).


Obama Slammed In The British Press Over BP

Obama To Meet With BP


Vindication for BP as tests blame Halliburton

Halliburton's Flawed Cement On BP Well Caused Disaster‎