Friend of the rich, enemy of the poor and middle class
The economic depression of 2008 was caused by a gross absence of conscience. Arrogance led the corporate sector and complicit government to believe, robbing and gouging the middle class and poor, was appropriate conduct, when anyone with an ounce of decency knows better. High grade theft, massive borrowing, profligate spending and no accountability, led to the financial collapse of the U.S. economy, damaging other nations as well.
Most of the nation's economic problems have been cased by greed and the inability of some to accept the fact, the only true way to prosperity is hard work. Not stealing what others worked hard for in their lives.
The corporate sector has engaged in egregious acts of financial fraud, which came back to haunt the entire nation. The oil and gas companies, banks, mortgage companies and Hollywood, gouged the American people, with some engaging in flat out thievery.
Rather than moderation and fairness being the order of the day, theft became the corporate goal and it has destroyed many innocent people. The collateral damage and mess that has been created is astonishing on every level. How can one claim to care about one's country and do that.
These same individuals that gouged and abused the populace, destroying the nation's financial heath, are the biggest tax evaders in the country, constantly seeking tax breaks and not contributing anything constructive to America, primarily taking from it.
Oh, the things people do for money. Look what greed has caused - a juggernaut of suffering most did not see coming. What has been accomplished via this orgy of greed? What was the sense of all this thievery from the corporate sector, only for America to lose its dominance and place in the world as the premier superpower. It is merely a technicality at this point regarding America, but China now holds the crown.