Obama playing more golf than Tiger Woods
U.S. President Barack Obama was spotted playing golf again, as the worst financial crisis in modern times, devours the U.S. economy whole. However, a hole in one has clearly been deemed more important.
Maybe they should install a putting green at the White House, if it will keep the President on Pennsylvania Ave and working, as this excessive leisure time is not fixing the severely broken economy. Frankly, golfing away, as the nation's financial fortunes worsen, is very distasteful.
The President has failed to listen to any sound advice regarding the economy, recklessly spending huge sums of taxpayer dollars, sending the national deficit to record highs. To be so nonchalant about spending other people's money, knowing it could breed the full-on end of the empire, lacks class and is quite troubling.
The Obamas vacationing again in Martha's Vineyard, while the economy tanks
Obama has also reneged on his promise of transparency in government, hiding document after document, at the FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA, incriminating to his Adminstration and cronies. His behavior has become outrageous and appalling.
The Judiciary Report has successfully predicted a number of significant financial and social events (see exclusives). In light of Obama's poor conduct, the Judiciary Report's standing recommendation is this, unless his conduct significantly improves, under no circumstances should he be reelected.
Unless Obama's wanton, irresponsible spending and gross lack of transparency desists and he is able to properly turn the economy around, rather than deteriorating it, as he has already done, Obama deserves to be shelved in 2012.
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