Friday, July 2, 2010

Obama Under Fire Over "Russian Spies" Arrest

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev (left) and U.S. President Barack Obama (right)

People do not seem to be buying the FBI's story that they arrested 11 real "Russian Spies." Some in the Russian government are attributing it to the FBI attempting to sabotage talks between U.S. President Barack Obama and their Government, led by President, Dmitri Medvedev.

The U.S. press is highly skeptical as well, with journalists and bloggers laughing in derisive articles, barely able to contain their sarcasm. The Russian media is enraged at the allegations.

If said spies were caught hacking into U.S. government computer systems to steal national secrets, planting bugs in government offices or attempting to corrupt government officials using bribes, then by all means, lock them up. But this story seems to be a group of men and women collecting data on the American way of life and seeking to befriend and influence politicians, without paying them.

You must effectively show how they have harmed the American government and the American people or this case will continue to be the butt of jokes on talk shows.

Considering the U.S. government has spies in Britain, Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Australia and South America, collecting data on said respective regions, it seems hypocritical of the FBI to take this stance, prosecuting others for the same thing they and the CIA do on a daily basis.


The FBI Arrests 11 "Russian Spies"

"Russian Spies" Used Their Looks