Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Michael Steele Under Fire For Afghanistan Comments

U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

The head of the U.S. Republican Party, Michael Steele, has come under fire from his own comrades, for stating the war in Afghanistan, is of U.S. President Barack "Obama's choosing." That is inaccurate. What he should have stated is continuing with former President George W. Bush's war in Afghanistan is Obama's choosing.

However, as the fact stands, Bush started this ill-fated war in 2001. He then proceeded to initiate a deceitful war in Iraq during 2003 that featured him lying to the world about its true purpose.

Republican Party head, Michael Steele

It was not about liberation or freedom, but the theft of Iraqi national assets, namely oil, as they are sitting on the largest deposit in the world. The blood thirsty, underachieving maniac cost U.S. and Iraqi families their children and as such belongs in the Hague.

No revisionist theories shall change what Bush has done in world history, but the future is yet to be written and something tells me justice will win out and bring him to accountability, within the confines of the law.