Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Twilight's "Breaking Dawn" Film To Have Sex Scenes

Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

The makers of the Twilight films, staring Kristen Stewart (K-Stew) and Robert Pattinson (R-Patz) have clearly lost their minds, promising to add "steamy sex scenes" to the fourth and final installment of the movie series.

Considering the films are watched mostly by teens and preteens, this is highly inappropriate. They don't need to see R-Patz's, er, R-Patz. Once again, Hollywood is showing very poor judgment.

Breaking Dawn Sex Scenes Will Be "Way Hot," Screenwriter Promises

Jul. 6, 2010 02:57 PM / - The movie adaptation of Twilight sequel Breaking Dawn may or may not contain the book's infamous birth scene, but screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg promises that the final Twilight installment will have one thing: Lots of sexy sex for its sexy stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to get sexy to...