U.S. President Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama is slated to meet with BP for the first time this week, in reference to the oil spill that occurred in the waters off the state of Louisiana in America. The President has been slammed in the press for his handling of the crisis, with many demanding he do more.
The Judiciary Report is of the belief, all involved should be held accountable, as that is the nature of liability law. BP is shouldering all the blame for work they outsourced to Halliburton and Transocean, who have been silent during this environmental disaster, is not just.
Both companies are quite wealthy and should pay their fair share in damages as well, as they oversaw the drilling and implementation of the well that has sprung an unprecedented leak, polluting the ocean.
WRAPUP 1-Obama leadership on BP spill faces testing week
Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:31am EDT - WASHINGTON/LONDON, June 14 (Reuters) - Barack Obama's leadership of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill faces key tests this week as the U.S. president gives his first national address on the disaster and meets top BP (BP.L) (BP.N) executives for the first time...