Shaunie and Shaquille O'Neal
According to Orange County, Florida court records, NBA basketball player, Shaquille O'Neal, has filed a "motion to dismiss" in the case brought against him by former mistress, Vanessa Lopez, who is being represented by well-known attorney, Gloria Allred.
Considering her lawyer's stature in legal and court circles, the Judiciary Report would be surprised if the case was tossed that easily. Her allegations of harassment, may pose a challenge for O'Neal's lawyers as well, as Lopez alleged Shaq's friend and sister threatened her, after she allegedly became pregnant by him, in a false alarm, during his marriage to Shaunie O'Neal, of the television show "Basketball Wives."
Reports have since surfaced tarnishing Lopez's character, as she has slept with a number of basketball players, used the credit card of one, Kenyon Martin, without permission, racking up nearly $8,000 in unauthorized charges and conspired with O'Neal's wife, according to Radar Online, to enable the latter to gain a greater divorce settlement and higher alimony payments.
Vanessa Lopez
The Judiciary Report is of the opinion, money truly is the root of all evil, as the Bible states, as all this chaos is based in greed. Shaquille needs to be careful of who he allows into his life, as his reputation for being a charitable person, clearly has made him a target.
It would be beneficial if this case was settled before it went to court, as the Plaintiff is using intimate information issued in private, as her trump card, threatening to go public with the details of O'Neal's life, to drag him down. That's extortion.
Ms. Lopez was knowingly having an affair with a married man, while having sex with other NBA basketball players. She issued threats against married O'Neal, when he was not thrilled about a pregnancy by her, which was a false alarm or a lie, then became surprised when his sister threatened her back and an alleged associate began calling her.
The contact on both ends needs to desist. Having written that, if the Judiciary Report was on that jury, Mrs. Lopez would not get a dime in this case, as she knew her conduct was not above board, in the same manner she alleges against the Defendants and she, like many other groupies, shows a penchant for taking money not their own (Kenyon Martin).