U.S. President Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama has reneged on his campaign promise of removing troops from the Middle Eastern countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, instead deciding to send tens of thousands more to the latter, to fight an illegal, unpopular war the populace does not want. But the question is why.
You are taking a dire path that you have not justified to the American people or to the world. Why the change of heart and on something so important. Withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan two years from now, under the false assumption you will have won, will not make any positive impact on the insurgent or terrorist mindset.
The day you leave, all you will claim to have accomplished, shall be overturned again, to reflect what certain "powers that be" in the region desire. Furthermore, the Middle East in not a U.S. territory. You have no legal authority to occupy it. Therefore, these increased military measures are in vain and shall cost many soldiers and civilians their lives.