Friday, February 26, 2010

FBI Director Mueller Rebuffed In Pakistan

Robert S. Mueller

FBI Director and resident racist, Robert S. Mueller, was rebuffed in the Middle East when his request for access to terror suspect, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, was denied by the government of Pakistan. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Why are you even over there, after you brought them all that bad international publicity, for torturing 5 Muslim-Americans that went to Pakistan to allegedly wage Jihad.

There are internationally accepted protocols for interrogating terrorist suspects. They should not have been tortured, as you Mr. Mueller, ordered conduct that blackened the U.S. government's name in the world...again, via violating the Geneva Conventions and international human rights treaties, in what has become a habit for you.

Pakistan said to deny FBI Baradar request

Published: Feb. 25, 2010 at 1:05 AM - ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- The Pakistani government turned down an FBI request to hand over captured Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, sources told Dawn newspaper.

Mullah Baradar -- a top Taliban military commander and the group's No. 2 after Taliban chief and founder Mullah Muhammad Omar -- was captured this month in Karachi in a joint U.S.-Pakistani intelligence operation.

The handover request was made by FBI Director Robert Mueller during meetings with officials of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence and other intelligence agencies, Dawn reported, citing sources...