Friday, February 26, 2010

Kadhafi Calls For Jihad

Moamer Kadhafi

In a very concerning move, Libyan head of state and British resident, Moamer Kadhafi, called for "Jihad" against the peaceful country of Switzerland, for disallowing minarets in their nation.

A minaret is, "The tower that are a signature part of mosques." Kadhafi's proclamation was neither fair or right and doubly concerning, as he recently bought a house in the London enclave of Hampstead. One should not subject Westernized nations to the rules of the Middle East.

Kadhafi calls for jihad against Switzerland over minaret ban

Feb 25 02:22 PM US/Eastern - Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi called on Thursday for jihad (holy war) against Switzerland over the ban adopted last year on the construction of minarets in the country.

"It is against unbelieving and apostate Switzerland that jihad ought to be proclaimed by all means," Kadhafi said during a speech in the Mediterranean coastal city of Bengazi to mark the birthday of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.

"Jihad against Switzerland, against Zionism, against foreign aggression is not terrorism," Kadhafi said...

In a November 29 referendum, Swiss voters approved by a margin of 57.5 percent a ban on the construction in their country of minarets, the tower that are a signature part of mosques.