The FBI has been caught in a blatant lie, due to the fact, months ago, they played down their involvement with white supremacist blogger, Hal Turner, who was arrested for calling for the death of three judges (no, not the ones on American Idol - real judges with actual intelligence). Why doesn't the FBI ever stop to think of the end result of their conduct, when it is later exposed, as it kills their credibility all over again.
Court documents now reveal Turner was considered very reliable and useful to the FBI, in their harebrained schemes, calling for violence against judges, congress people and other public figures, granting them leeway to investigate crimes. It is a dangerous practice.
The FBI referred to Turner in their memos as, "Highly reliable and is in a unique position to provide vital information on multiple subversive domestic organizations...statistical accomplishments include over 100 subjects identified, over 10 acts of violence prevented and multiple subjects arrested."
FBI Director Robert Mueller
I find it very disturbing the FBI is willing to lie at the drop of a hat and employ questionable sources to gain completion of their objectives. This layer of deceit has been employed against the American people and the very U.S. Congress, time and time again, to disastrous results, in bids at meeting arrest quotas the agency set.
It's a complete mind scramble that a law enforcement agency, routinely endangers the lives of innocent people - even other members of government. The public saw it with the 9/11 bombings, 7/11 terrorist attacks in London and Fort Hood.
That's no way to run a law enforcement agency. That's how you get innocent people killed. The head of the FBI,
FBI Blogger Called For Lynching Of Black Woman
FBI Paid Blogger To Incite Violence
Blogger Hal Turner Arrested Over Website Posts
FBI Blew Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks
FBI Blamed For London Bombings
FBI Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer
FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids
FBI Heads Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder
Records show relationship between New Jersey blogger, FBI
November 29, 2009, 1:38PM - TRENTON — Despite downplaying his importance, federal officials apparently made frequent use of a New Jersey blogger in their battle against domestic terrorism.
The Record of Bergen County reviewed numerous government documents, e-mails, court records and almost 20 hours of jailhouse interviews with Hal Turner, who faces trial this week on charges he made death threats against three Chicago-based federal appeals judges.
The newspaper reported today that Turner received thousands of dollars from the FBI to report on neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups and was sent undercover to Brazil. Turner also claims the FBI coached him to make racist, anti-Semitic and other threatening statements on his radio show.