Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Jennifer's Body" Is A "Carrie" Reboot Pt. 2


This is a follow up to yesterday's article, Jennifer's Body" Is A "Carrie" Reboot, where I stated it is a rip-off of the preexisting film "Carrie" starring Sissy Spacek.

I did a brief search online for some info and stumbled across an article featuring the writer of "Jennifer's Body" a woman named, Diablo Cody. It turns out "Carrie" is listed as one of her top ten favorite films. So, can we take it you are going to rip-off the other nine films on the list.

writer Diablo Cody and actress Megan Fox

"10. Carrie in "Carrie" (Sissy Spacek): This girl geek doesn't just turn the tables — she upends the entire fri**in' prom. When one of Carrie's tormenters gets clocked with a fire hose, it's one of the best "h*** yeah!" moments in cinema history. And somehow Spacek made a bucket of red corn syrup look like haute couture."