Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
9-months ago in the March 3, 2016 article "Kanye
West Experiencing A Breakdown Uses Pirate Bay As Payback For
Jay Z's Tidal Costing Him $10,000,000" the Judiciary
Report warned (again) that West is schizophrenic, "West is struggling with mental illness
sustained at the Kabbalah Center cult and is currently on
antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia, as well as
medicines for bipolar and anger issues. His marriage to
demanding reality star, Kim Kardashian, is imploding and he
is struggling with massive debt. The last thing West needed was a career
flop. West heavily prizes his career and identifies it with
his self-worth. Everything is happen to West at one time and
for someone with the aforementioned psychiatric issues, it
can result in a complete mental breakdown."
Well, he had a complete mental breakdown two weeks ago and
if he does not remain on anti-psychotic medications, it will
happen again and potentially worse, as there is no cure for
schizophrenia. West's mental illness is due to his
involvement in the Kabbalah
Center cult. West didn't start off mentally ill. He
was sane before Kabbalah. The cult leveled so much mental
abuse and harassment at him, he became schizophrenic (read
about their methods:
Doctors Discover Kanye West Is Much Sicker Than They
Initially Realized And Extend Hospital Hold).
I suggest the public stay away from Kabbalah. Too many high
profile and non-famous members of the cult ended up in psych
wards because of them. West is one of dozens of people who
have been involuntarily committed due to joining Kabbalah,
as they let the insidious cult into their lives, who in turn
damage them with their sect's greed, maliciousness and

Madonna introduced Kanye West to Kabbalah and ruined his
life with it, just as she has done to other stars she got
involved in the deranged, money grubbing cult to take their
money and leech off their popularity for her dead career
911 tapes have been released of the incident that led to
West being committed to a psych ward against his will under
police escort. West was ranting and raving, attacked his
personal trainer, then the staff of the UCLA Medical
Center's psychiatric ward. When informed of his mental
state, the 911 operator instructed the rapper's physician to
keep West away from all weapons, "Don't let him get any
weapons or anything like that."
The fact of the matter is West needs psychiatric care. The
Judiciary Report has been stating for well over a year that
West is displaying all the signs of schizophrenia.
Thankfully for West, he wasn't committed to the psych ward
for harming himself or killing someone else, as paranoid
schizophrenics have been known to harm themselves or those
closest to them. It is not a condition to play with or take
lightly. Schizophrenics have been known to brutally and
repeatedly stab family members and friends to death. A
number of schizophrenics have also beheaded family members
and friends in cases that made the news. It is a very
dangerous mental disorder.
West will need to be medicated on a daily basis to keep the
schizophrenia under control. Even if it means a medical
professional visiting him everyday and making sure he takes
his medicine. West will also need continuous psychotherapy
(in tandem with medication) with the hope of modifying the
incorrect and damaging thinking imposed upon him by Kabbalah
that led him to this terrible place in his life.
I will state this though, I've been writing for a while that
West is mentally ill, as are others in Kabbalah (Madonna,
Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Amanda Bynes,
Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Solange Knowles, Beyonce Knowles,
Jay Z, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, the
Kardashians and Rosie O'Donnell, among others). Their
behavior is textbook mental illness. Some delusional people
chalked it up to me, a writer, hating on superstars (whom I
don't envy or aspire to be like), which shows how deep some
of you are in idolatry that you refused to accept the truth
that has been and is staring you in the face.
If you removed their famous names and legal liability from
mental health professionals, then asked psychiatrists to
independently assess their public and private behavior for
reports, professionals would brand them schizophrenics. This
is not a desirable mental state. It is a dangerous and
destructive deterioration of mental health. However under
the guise of celebrity, this rubbish has been allowed to
continue, exposing impressionable audiences to West's mental
illness (and that of others in the sect, many of whom were
also involuntarily committed to psych wards).
Why did it take West to have a public psychotic break to
realize he is very mentally ill and to stop emulating the
things he is doing, lest you too develop a mental health
disorder. I've seen tweets on Twitter and items on Instagram,
prior to West's breakdown, featuring people promoting his
mentally ill conduct, stating they want to be just like him
and are doing just as he does, yet if they continue to
emulate him (and others in that cult) they too will end up
in psych wards with their lives forever changed.

An annoyed looking Kanye West being told crap by Madonna
The pop culture stars involved in the Kabbalah Center, which
is nothing but the occult and a money making scam for its
owners, Madonna and the Berg family, are a very evil
influence on America. It is my sincere hope the public stops
emulating their behavior or America is going to face a
massive mental health crisis that is going to financially
break the healthcare system.
A report was issued in 2010 on the mental health of children
in America and the findings were not good. The data revealed
1 in 5 American kids has mental illness. That is a massive
figure. The FBI is to blame for this. They have covered up
serious crimes by criminally insane people in Kabbalah,
allowing them to roam free and corrupt and damage the minds
of America's youth.
Since the time the Kabbalah cult became apart of the pop
culture fabric, the mental illness rate among kids in
America has shot up, hence the aforementioned 2010 report's
findings. There exists a direct correlation between those
stats and the rise of the schizophrenic Kabbalah Center,
with their insane Illuminati madness, mind control obsession
and mafia tactics. History is going to condemn the FBI for
allowing criminally insane stars to run wild and negatively
influence the public. The entertainment, interviews and
imagery associated with stars in said cult is
sick, dysfunctional and damaging.
The FBI, via its former frequently sued director, Robert S.
Mueller, refers to the
criminal cover up of Kabbalah's crimes as "national
pride" in "protecting precious American stars" (Madonna was
sued for choking and hitting a defenseless 11-year-old boy
in New York, what's precious about that? Madonna is the
worst thing America ever exported). However, what pride is
there in allowing high profile criminally insane people to
infect the public, especially impressionable youth, with
their breed of insanity, disguised as entertainment. The FBI
won't find it so amusing when their impressionable children
begin acting like the proverbial "inmates running the
asylum" they see on TV and the internet, via the Kabbalah
cult's mentally ill stars.
Kanye West 911 Call Keep Any Weapons Away From Him
12/1/2016 8:31 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF - Kanye
West's behavior was so erratic when his doctor dialed 911
... the dispatcher was worried he might hurt himself or
others around him. TMZ obtained the 911 call and once
dispatch got the rundown on his condition the operator said,
"Don't let him get any weapons or anything like that."
Kanye's personal physician, Dr. Michael Farzam, placed the
call on November 21 ... while Kanye was at his trainer's
home in L.A. This call makes it clear ... all involved knew
Kanye was in dire straits.
In US, 1 in 5 Teens Have Serious Mental Disorder
October 13, 2010 08:10am ET - About 1 in 5
teens in the United States suffer from a mental disorder
severe enough to their impact daily activities, either
currently or at some point in their lives, according to a
startling new study. The research also concludes that a
higher percentage have or have had some sort of mental
disorder, though less serious in nature.
"The prevalence of severe emotional and
behavior disorders is even higher than the most frequent
major physical conditions in adolescence, including asthma
or diabetes, which have received widespread public health
attention," the researchers write in the October issue of
the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Post by Former NIMH Director Thomas Insel: Mental
Health Awareness Month: By the Numbers
By Thomas Insel on May 15, 2015 - May is
mental health awareness month. NIMH, as the federal agency
for research on mental illnesses, has a number of activities
this month to increase awareness (see website). While mental
health is much more than absence of a mental illness, this
is a useful moment to raise awareness of the toll of mental
illness in America. I offer this tour of mental illness by
the numbers. Prevalence: 1 in 5; 1 in 25; 1 in 5.
Our best estimate of the number of adults
with any diagnosable mental disorder within the past year is
nearly 1 in 5, or roughly 43 million Americans.1 Although
most of these conditions are not disabling, nearly 10
million American adults (1 in 25) have serious functional
impairment due to a mental illness, such as a psychotic or
serious mood or anxiety disorder. Fully 20 percent—1 in 5—of
children ages 13-18 currently have and/or previously had a
seriously debilitating mental disorder.2 By comparison, 8.3
percent of children under age 18 have asthma3 and 0.2
percent have diabetes...