Hillary Clinton under a fog of dementia
10 prominent doctors have gone on record
questioning the health of U.S. presidential candidate,
Hillary Clinton. Many are of the belief Clinton should
produce her real medical records and not a cursory missive
from a doctor. Clinton is exhibiting signs of dementia and
Parkinsons. Clinton also has cardiac issues. Her heart is
not pumping blood correctly, hence all the coughing.
When a person coughs as much as Clinton
does, doctors check for cancer, HIV or cardiac problems,
among other things. The manner in which Clinton’s
coughing/hacking is being so nonchalantly and publicly
brushed aside by her team is crazy and sets a poor example
for members of the public suffering from her symptoms.
Clinton could have an embolism or heart attack continuing
along this inadvisable path of extreme stress and the
physical rigors of campaigning.

Drudge Report recap of Clinton health issues
Based on what is public information
regarding Clinton’s blood clot on the brain, blackouts,
fainting, seizures, memory loss, falls, inability to take a
flight of stairs unaided for fear she will become injured,
she is not in good health. Any doctor who states anything to
the contrary is not worth their salt or deserving of a
medical license.
Something tells me we won't get the real
medical records for Clinton. They've gone to such great
lengths to hide the files. They also have a habit of
destroying files, as seen in the FBI investigation into
Clinton's criminal behavior at the State Department. The
cover-ups the Clintons have engaged in, as uncovered in the
Cash" documentary, reveal they are not truthful
10 prominent doctors question Hillary's health
'I can look at the video. You can look.' To not have questions is 'reckless'
10 prominent doctors question Hillary's health
'I can look at the video. You can look.' To not have questions is 'reckless'
Published: 08/29/2016 at 8:21 PM - Bob
Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the
Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest
newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative
battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists.
He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used
commercially. Despite what one physician described as an
“outbreak of vituperation and anger” against those with
opinions about Hillary Clinton’s health, more doctors are
expressing concerns during the 2016 race to the White House.
And now GOP nominee Donald Trump has raised the issue to a new level, CNN reported, by challenging Clinton to release “detailed medical records,” insisting he would have “no problem” with his own becoming public.
Trump tweeted: “I think that both
candidates, Crooked Hillary and myself, should release
detailed medical records. I have no problem in doing so!
Hillary?” Clinton’s campaign spokesman Glen Caplin, noting
Clinton provided a letter from a doctor last year certifying
she was in good health, said Trump “has put forward a
laughable letter that omits basic health information
including the date of his exam, past medications, family
medical history, heart rate, respiratory rate, EKG, or
cholesterol level.”
"Instead of continuing to push discredited
conspiracy theories, Donald Trump needs to produce a real
doctor’s letter, written by a credible doctor, that details
the state of his health for voters,” he said. CNN noted
Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani encouraged doubters to “go
online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness.'” There is
absolutely no credible evidence to backstop any of these
claims,” CNN claimed. But many physicians, based on publicly
available information have raised concerns. Among them are:
Dr. Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said images of Clinton being helped up stairs and propped up, and videos showing odd, seizure-like head movements require an explanation to voters, she contends. The author of “Emerging Diseases: Protecting Your Family from Pandemics, Viral Threats, and Rogue Vaccines” noted the “vituperation and anger” that she’s faced for raising questions. “I’m not making a diagnosis,” she told WND on Monday. But “I can look at the video. You can look.”She said for a medical professional to simply ignore the evidence would be “completely reckless.” Meeting someone with these symptoms personally would require a “How are you?” she said. “These are not ridiculous questions.”
Dr. Lee Hieb, author of “Surviving the
Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster
of Obamacare,” agreed. “They made a huge deal about [Sen.
John] McCain because of his melanoma,” she told WND.
“Melanoma doesn’t give you dementia!” She said the images
and videos are evidence that should be reviewed and
explained to voters, contending Clinton is “not being
forthcoming.””If she doesn’t want the American people
informed … we know where she stands.”Citing Clinton’s
previous concussion, Hieb said such injuries can cause
long-term side effects, seizures, personality changes and
cognitive deficits.
The Fox News medical “A-Team” of Dr. Marc
Siegel and Dr. David Samadi had questions. “In 2008 … I
looked over a thousand pages of John McCain’s records
because of a melanoma he had 10 years ago. What about
Hillary? In 2009, a severe fall. She breaks her elbow. In
2011, she boards a plane, falls. In 2012, she has a severe
concussion which Bill Clinton says took her six months to
recover from,” Siegel said. He continued: “Then she ends up
with a blood clot in the brain and a lifetime of blood
thinners. Just that point alone – if she’s prone to falling,
you can see from that picture up there that it looked like
she can barely get upstairs without two people carrying her.
Guess what if she falls and hits her head? She’ll get a
blood clot.”
Samadi added: “The picture going up the
stairs speaks a million words. Is she fatigued? Is she
dehydrated? One of the main reasons she fell in 2012 and had
the concussion was severe dehydration. They’re holding her
and going up the stairs. So she may be really dehydrated,
she may have arthritis, she may have back pain, she may have
fallen again. We don’t know.”
Dr. Drew Pinsky’s television show on the HLN cable network, “Dr. Drew on Call,” was canceled after he raised questions about Clinton’s health in an interview on KABC-AM in Los Angeles.
Dr. Gerard Gianoli argued that if the
concerns were about Donald Trump’s health, establishment
media would spotlight the issue. He wrote: Imagine, if you
would, that tomorrow Donald Trump suffers a concussion.
Suppose he trips on a flight of stairs, falling down and
hitting his head. The head injury is so severe that he is
unconscious for a time and has to be hospitalized for a
week. After getting out of the hospital, the Trump campaign
tells us that he has fully recovered and that there are no
lingering effects of the head trauma. During the following
weeks, he is seen in public to wear glasses with a Fresnel
lens on one side. He also seems to have trouble maintaining
his balance, loses his thoughts in the middle of speeches,
and has episodes of spasmodic movements suggestive of
In this imaginary scenario, would it
surprise anyone if the media became skeptical and pressed
for release of Mr. Trump’s medical records? Would it
surprise anyone if the Clinton campaign made an issue of Mr.
Trump’s health status during speeches and in TV ads? Would
the media cry ‘foul’ over the Clinton campaign doing so? I
think the answers to these questions are self-evident. The
media and the Clinton campaign would be all over this like
white on rice, and no one would question the appropriateness
of their actions…
New Reports Indicate Hillary Clinton Is Too Physically Sick To
Be President (Videos)