David Cameron
To reassure Britons and consumers
worldwide, the British government needs to move forward
quickly after the historic Brexit vote last week, regarding
leaving the European Union. Though British Prime Minister,
David Cameron, has resigned stating he will leave in October
2016, he is still Britain’s leader until a suitable
replacement is appointed. Therefore, Britain is not and has
not been without a Prime Minister during this transition
period. Britain is not without governance.
There have been other resignations in the
respective Conservative and Labour parties (mainly the
latter). Those positions need to be quickly filled, to get
back to the business of serving the British people. The
government needs to eschew public discord and remember,
“Keep calm and carry on.”
No one in government unhappy with Brexit
or anyone else outside of Britain, should act vindictively
(*looks at mean spirited, threat issuing Barack "push
you to the back of the trade queue" Obama, whom
world leaders are blaming for Brexit*), because at the end
of the day, the United Kingdom has a large, influential
economy and there is money to be made in the country.
Britain is still a good place to do business, as the British
people are great consumers. Foreign businesses with
stores/locations in Britain, such as Nandos, Pret-a-Manger,
Nero and Costa (immigrant owned), among others, are companies making big money
in the United Kingdom.
For others listening to the fear
mongering, it would be unwise to pull out of Britain, one of
the richest nations in the world, with a population of
60,000,000, all potential consumers for your businesses.
Britain has the 5th largest economy in the world. To
discount Britain would be an unwise business decision, as
there are enormous sums of money that can be made in the
United Kingdom.
In the area of finance, many businesses
require financing and would pay interest on loans. Parents
need loans for children to go to university. Britons by
food, clothes, cars and household goods. It is a very
viable, big market. The sports industry is also worth a
fortune in Britain.