Madonna also began spying Strecker and Ritchie via a private investigator she paid to follow them around London, England and send her reports of all their activities. Madonna used the unplanned pregnancy to break up Strecker and Ritchie. Strecker went on to marry wealthy Anthony Rothschild and is now worth more than Madonna and Ritchie combined.

Guy Ritchie and his new wife
Jacqui Ainsley
Every movie Madonna helped Ritchie put out through her contacts at Warner Bros, a company she worked for her entire career, resulted in a copyright infringement lawsuit, as it was all stolen from different sources. Ritchie's career is just as fraudulent as Madonna's having stolen from many copyright holders. Ritchie left Madonna and demanded millions of dollars in a divorce settlement that contains a confidentiality agreement barring him from disclosing the vile things he knew she did, including child abuse.

Madonna's son looks happy around his stepmom and not her
Ritchie and Madonna are in the middle of an ugly custody battle over their 15-year-old son, who fled America because of her insane behavior and has been living with his dad in London, England. Madonna, who insanely turned up to court in a cape like she's Batman (she has more muscles than him too) and repeatedly made loud, crazy outbursts during a hearing, corruptly abused the legal process and mysteriou$ly got a judge to issue a questionable ruling that shocked many, ordering the boy back to America. The British courts refused to comply with the order, refusing to put the boy on a plane to New York to spend Christmas with his mother, as she tried to save face in light of the fact her child does not like her.

Guy Ritchie with his true love
Tania Strecker in the 1990s
Madonna has also been violating Ritchie's privacy and that of her son, placing paid articles with press outlets who are tired of her (one journalist whose name begins with a T stated, "Why does she keep sending us this s**t"). The articles Madonna had a member of her staff write based on her instructions and send to newspapers and websites, are defamatory, mean-spirited, tacky and blame her ex-husband for turning her child against her. However, both of Madonna's children dislike her, as she is a horrible person. What kind of mother does this: TMZ States Madonna Made Nasty Comment Online Stating Her Son Rocco Ritchie Has No Penis.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie spent
most of their failed marriage arguing (even in public)