Cover of the New York Post
slamming silly Scalia
U.S. senator, Harry Reid, has slammed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as a racist, after the prejudice, ignorant judge stated black people are slower than whites. Reid stated, "These ideas that he pronounced yesterday are racist in application, if not intent,” Reid said. “I don’t know about his intent, but it is deeply disturbing to hear a Supreme Court justice endorse racist ideas from the bench on the nation’s highest court. The idea that African American students are somehow inherently intellectually inferior [to] other students is despicable. It’s a throwback to a time that America left behind a half a century ago. … That Justice Scalia could raise such an uninformed idea shows just how out of touch he is with the values of this nation."
Scientists have slammed Scalia's comments as wrong and highly inaccurate, "We share the outrage and dismay already expressed by many other groups and individual scientists over the comments of Justice Scalia...Affirmative action programs that aim to bring the number of minority students to more proportional levels are an important ingredient in our ongoing work...Affirmative action is just one part of a larger set of actions needed to achieve social justice within our STEM and education fields. We embrace the assumption that minority students are brilliant and ask, ‘Why does physics education routinely fail brilliant minority students?"

Antonin Scalia has brought an
enormous amount of shame on the Supreme Court with his racist
As stated in the column last week, each person has a right to their opinion. If you want to be racist, that’s your sin. However, when you have a job that requires impartiality to all and you are rendering corrupt decisions based on your racist, ugly views against black people (and other minorities), you should be removed from said post.
Scalia’s prejudices are clearly interfering with his ability to judge fairly and correctly. Last week’s comments on black people proved this fact. Scalia disgraced the entire Supreme Court to the nation and watching world, as his name began to trend on Twitter, read by billions around the globe, for racist, disgusting remarks he made about black people. Tens of thousands of comments appeared on Twitter slamming Scalia's awful statements.

The late, great Martin Luther
King Jr.
The Judiciary Report sticks with its original prediction made two months ago in the October 21,2015 article "Drudge Report Writer Matt Drudge Threatened By Supreme Court Justice Seeking To Shut His Site Down" which stated:
"Regarding the Supreme Court, they keep rendering decisions
poll show the American people overwhelmingly do not approve of
and here's where that's going. Less and less people will
petition the Supreme Court and it is on the road to becoming an
antiquated, outdated, unpopular model very few people will use
in the future. So, continue with the corruption (sarcasm) and
see where it is going to take you. This so-called power you
think you wield and keep abusing will be gone. State Courts will
become more popular, where judges can be voted out at regular
intervals, when found to be corrupt. Mediation services will
also rise in popularity, as people find alternate ways of
resolving legal disputes. You are wrecking America and damaging the world with this
corruption and the American people and the world will never
forget it or forgive it when all is said and done. You've gone
too far."
Harry Reid rips Antonin Scalia,
says he endorsed ‘racist ideas’ from bench
That roar extended from Supreme Court chambers across First Street NE on Thursday morning, where Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) used his morning floor remarks to lambaste the Republican-appointed Scalia. “These ideas that he pronounced yesterday are racist in application, if not intent,” Reid said. “I don’t know about his intent, but it is deeply disturbing to hear a Supreme Court justice endorse racist ideas from the bench on the nation’s highest court.”...
Field Negro: Those Negroes are
just not that smart
“In the oral arguments Wednesday for a Supreme Court affirmative action case, Justice Antonin Scalia—a well known critic of affirmative action—suggested that the policy was hurting minority students by sending them to schools too academically challenging for them.
Referencing an unidentified amicus brief, Scalia said that there were people who would contend that “it does not benefit African-Americans to — to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less — a slower-track school where they do well.” He argued that “most of the Black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas.” “They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they’re — that they’re being pushed ahead in — in classes that are too — too fast for them,” Scalia said.”
This is truly scary. And it is just wrong on so many levels. I could talk about the countless amount of African American youngsters who I am personally familiar with who are destroying their White classmates at Ivy League and other fine schools in this country. (My little cousin, bless her heart, graduated with high honors from Swarthmore not too long ago with a degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology or something like that.) But what would be the point of this? The racist and unintelligent among us, like Antonin Scalia, would never believe it.
Mr. Scalia is not alone. In the state of Michigan a republican lawmaker made his feelings known about the cognitive abilities of Blacks as well. “As a first-term state senator, Marty Knollenberg of Troy is far from high-profile. He’s not in Congress, though he is the son of a man who served eight terms in the U.S. House.
Sen. Knollenberg, a 52-year-old Allstate agent, is suddenly less obscure — though not in a good way. The Republican is the subject of articles at two national news sites — Huffington Post and Raw Story. He’s also the target of criticism and ridicule on social media, including comments at his legislative Facebook page.
The outcry is provoked by widespread posting of videotaped remarks at a Senate education hearing, where the Oakland County politician said: “You mentioned these school districts failing, and you mention economically disadvantaged and nonwhite population are the contributors to that. I know we can’t fix that. We can’t make an African-American white. That’s just, it is what it is.” "It is what it is” indeed. The Donald might just become our next president after all. He is, after all, “the anger translator” for all the secret (and not so secret) racists in America.
Black Leaders Call For Justice
Scalia To Recuse Himself From Controversial Affirmative Action
One of the most renown figures of the Civil Rights movement, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) released a statement saying, “[Scalia’s] suggestion that African Americans would fare better at schools that are ‘less advanced’ or on a ‘slow-track’ reminds me of the kind of prejudice that led to separate and unequal school systems — a policy the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional decades ago.”
Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) believes Scalia’s comments are clear evidence that he can not provide an unbiased decision on the case, which are is for his recusal.
His statements are “disgusting, inaccurate, and insulting to African Americans” said Butterfield. Lewis also agreed that Scalia’s “evident bias is very troubling” and calls into question “his ability to make impartial judgments in this case.”
According to The Huffington Post, in order for a Supreme Court justice to be removed from the bench, he or she must be impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate — a move that has never happened in U.S. history. Recusal, however, is solely up to the justice. The U.S. Code (Title 28, Section 455) states a judge should recuse him or herself from a case whenever there is conflict of interest, including a biased opinion or the involvement of a family member. We hope more politicians continue to speak out and hold Scalia accountable for his dishonorable comments.
Scientists Combat Scalia's
Recent Arguments Against Affirmative Action
According to Mic, Scalia voiced this argument in regards to the Supreme Court case Fischer vs. University of Texas, which examines the school’s affirmative action policy. More generally, he contended that “it does not benefit African Americans to — to get into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced, a less, a slower track school where they do well.”
Drawing on this amici brief, Scalia directs his argument at the sciences and the opportunities for African Americans therein. The United States, the brief posits, “now has fewer African-American physicians, scientists, and engineers than it would have had using race-neutral [admissions] methods. It probably has fewer college professors and lawyers too.” “Race-neutral.” That’s a cute and viable concept.
Meanwhile, a group of physicists and astrophysicists are speaking out against Scalia’s racist remarks with an open letter addressing the importance of diversity in STEM fields: “We share the outrage and dismay already expressed by many other groups and individual scientists over the comments of Justice Scalia...Affirmative action programs that aim to bring the number of minority students to more proportional levels are an important ingredient in our ongoing work...Affirmative action is just one part of a larger set of actions needed to achieve social justice within our STEM and education fields.”
The scientists moreover interpret the lack of diversity in science as a failure of the discipline — not the student: “We embrace the assumption that minority students are brilliant and ask, ‘Why does physics education routinely fail brilliant minority students?’” The letter has currently collected over 660 signatures and will ostensibly be sent to SCOTUS after circulation.