Chris Brown wondering who
Karrueche Tran is dating
Nia Guzman, the mother of Chris Brown's 1-year-old daughter, Royalty Brown, knows his secrets and is using them against him in a bid to get more money from him in child support. Guzman is trying to financially enrich her lifestyle and sees Brown as a means of doing so. Guzman cheated on her husband with Brown and knows some of his secrets (sex secrets included).

Royalty brown and Nia Guzman
Certain information Brown does not want made public, as it would become fodder in the blogs and on social networking. It would also drive a greater wedge between Brown and ex-girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, a woman he is trying to get back, after she dumped him for cheating on her with Guzman. Brown has made millions on tour over the past several months and Guzman has her eyes on the money.